Install and configure Logwatch in Ubuntu-Server

To watch the logs and send alert periodically to admin by configuring logwatch.

Install Logwatch using

# sudo apt-get install logwatch

Edit logwatch.conf file

# /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf

Change the following:

# Output = mail
# Format = html
# MailTo = user@https://https://https://https://www.https://https://https://www.

Save and exit wq!

Edit the file 00logwatch to append the mail were we need to get the Logs

# /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch

Add the following line.

# /usr/sbin/logwatch –mailto
# /usr/sbin/logwatch –mailto

Save and exit.

Test the Logwatch using command

# logwatch

If we need to get log in specific time add in cronjob as below
Create a Cronjob using

crontab -e

Append the Below Content

# m h dom mon dow command
0 10 * * * /usr/sbin/logwatch

That’s it we have done with log watch configuration.

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