How to Install MongoDB 4.0.5 on CentOS and Red Hat7


Install MongoDB on your Server in short span of time. MongoDB is a cross-platform program, commonly referred to as a document-oriented database. It uses a JSON-like documents format. MongoDB has written in C+, Python, Go, Javascript languages.

MongoDB is one of the leading general-purpose database platforms. It was designed keeping in consideration of developers and their application needs to truly unleash the power of applications that they build. The company adopted an open-source development model in 2009 and began offering commercial support in 2013. Red Hat used MongoDB on most of its products, They have dropped using MongoDB on Debian, Fedora and Red Hat due to change in licensing part.

Read more about MongoDB

Installation Requirements

This tutorial guide only supports 64-bit systems. However, you can get information about various supported platforms, here.

Install MongoDB Packages

Supported packages are included in their MongoDB repository. It contains the following packages:

  • mongodb-org-server (Contains mongod daemon + configuration file )
  • mongodb-org-shell (Contains mongo shell)
  • mongodb-org-tools (Contains mongo backup and management tools)
  • mongodb-org-mongos (Contains mongos daemon)
  • mongodb-org (Will install all above components)

Method 2: Starting the Installation

Creating repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory, like below:

$ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.0.repo

Add the following in the newly created repo file:

name=MongoDB Repository
How to Install MongoDB 4.0.5 on CentOS and Red Hat7 1
MongoDB repo entry

After successfully creating the required repo file, you can begin installation and verify the installed version by the following command:

$ sudo yum install -y mongodb-org
$ sudo mongod --version

Configuring MongoDB

After installing the MongoDB package, you can configure it as per your need. Configuration file location (default): ‘/etc/mongod.conf’

$ cat /etc/mongod.conf

MongoDB Default Settings

By default, MongoDB runs through mongod user account and uses the following default directories for database storage path and logs file path.

  • /var/lib/mongo (the data directory)
  • /var/log/mongodb (the log directory)

Through this process, the default directory paths are created as above and the owner and group for these directories are set to “mongod”.

Method 2: Install Mongo DB from a tarball

Download the MongoDB tarball package from MongoDB Download Center.

Extract the downloaded tar file.

$ sudo tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-amazon2-4.0.5.tgz

Set Path Variable for MongoDB

Now you can either copy the downloaded binaries into a directory which is already set as your PATH variable i.e /usr/local/bin or

Modify your user’s PATH environment variable to include this directory like edit your shell’s initialization script (e.g ~/.bashrc):

export PATH=<monogodb-install-dir-path>/bin:$PATH

For this replace with your extracted MongoDB archive path respectively

Through this process, the default directory paths are not created. So you can create them as follows:

# mkdir -p /var/lib/mongo
# mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb

By default, MongoDB runs through mongod user account. So after creating user “mongod”, set the owner and group of these directories as follows:

# chown -R mongod:mongod

To use Non-Default locations

You can also edit the MongoDB configuration file i.e /etc/mongod.conf and set the DB path and log path as per your requirement.

storage.dbPath  (specify a new db path)
systemLog.path  (specify a new log file path)

Starting MongoDB

After successfully installing the MongoDB, start it by the following command and make sure to persistently start the service during reboot.

$ sudo systemctl start mongod
$ sudo systemctl enable mongod
$ sudo systemctl status mongod

Using MongoDB Shell

Start using MongoDB via mongo shell on your machine as the user and it will be running in port on 27017 by default.

Additional information

In case if you found any bug in MongoDB you can submit your bug report through below URL.


You can install MongoDB server by using any one of the above-mentioned methods. In the up-coming tutorial, we will cover the replication in MongoDB and also about backups and restore procedures. So make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and begin your journey to become a MongoDB expert.

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